Welcome to Auburn South Preschool. We are a community kindergarten situated alongside Anderson Park in the leafy Melbourne suburb of Hawthorn East. We are pleased to be able to cater for up to 94 families, offering two 4 year old and two 3 year old sessional kindergarten programs designed by our caring, qualified educators. We also have an edible garden, known as Dot’s Patch, where the children learn to plant, grow, harvest and even cook our freshly grown plants and herbs.
Kindergarten is the beginning of your child’s organised educational experience. These early formative years are important because children form the basic building blocks that are the attitudes, skills and value systems that will see them through to later life.
We hope you and your child enjoy a happy year/s with us. Please explore our website and discover how much we can offer your child.
For further information please do not hesitate to contact us on (03) 9821 0190.
Our History
In 2015 Auburn South Preschool celebrated it’s 60th anniversary, a momentous occasion for the kinder community!
In 1952 the need for a Preschool in the Hawthorn area was expressed. Dorothy Howard along with some other women in the area, set their mind to gathering supporters in the community to raise money for a local kindergarten and teacher. Their hard fought success resulted in a Preschool being built in Hawthorn in 1955 (at the original site on the corner of Tooronga Road and Bethune Street). This meant many children had a place to belong, learn and thrive. For fifty years the Preschool operated at this site, until moving to the current purpose built building in Anderson Road in 2005.
Sadly Dorothy passed away in 2013 but not before her efforts could be personally acknowledged in the form of ‘Dot’s Patch’, our incredible edible garden.
The perseverance and dedication of these ladies embodies the community spirit that we are proud of at Auburn South Preschool and it represents the values that we aim to instil in our children. Today our children can enjoy a fabulous space with inspiring teachers, and a quality program.

The First Committee Members – 1954
From the Argus Newspaper March 1954
Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
Auburn South Preschool is committed to creating an environment where the safety, wellbeing, and participation of all children and young people is paramount. Additional focus is given to vulnerable children, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as children with a disability.
We have zero tolerance of child abuse and all allegations and safety concerns are treated very seriously and are consistent with our policies and procedures. Auburn South Preschool has a legal and moral obligation to contact authorities when we are concerned about a child’s safety, which we follow rigorously.
Auburn South Preschool demonstrates commitment to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people by:
- taking into consideration the views of children and young people about decisions that affect their lives;
- empowering children and young people by taking their views seriously, and addressing any concerns they may have;
- acknowledging the cultural diversity of families, and being sensitive to how this may impact on child safety;
- taking proactive steps to prevent child abuse, and identifying risks early so that such risks may be removed or reduced;
- continuously reviewing and improving our systems and practices to protect children and young people from abuse; and
- providing children and young people with the knowledge and skills to understand and maintain their own personal safety.
Auburn South Preschool demonstrates respect and support for all staff, contractors and volunteers by:
- applying robust human resources and recruitment practices for all staff, contractors and volunteers;
- ensuring regular training and education on child abuse risks;
- implementing specific policies, procedures, training and a Code of Conduct to support the achievement of child safety;
- listening to concerns about the safety of children, and suggestions to improve the child safety processes in place; and
- ensuring that every person involved in the Auburn South Preschool community understands the important and specific role they play individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all children and young people is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make.
As part of the Victorian Government’s response to the Betrayal of Trust Inquiry in 2012, a set of compulsory Child Safe Standards were developed to help protect children from all forms of abuse. These compulsory minimum Victorian Child Safe Standards aim to drive cultural change in organisations in order to strengthen their approaches to preventing and responding to abuse.
If you suspect abuse of any child or young person, you have a responsibility to report it, even if you are unsure. You only need form a reasonable belief that a child is at risk.
If you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse, phone 000.
Further information and resources
For parents
1800 991 099 (Child Wise Helpline)
131 278 (Child Protection Crisis Line)
1300 138 180 (Child Safe)